Submit Story

Rural and remote communities are already doing so much to support the wellbeing of their community members.  We want to honour those accomplishments and each communities unique journey of becoming a mentally healthy community.

We continue to hear from Animators the value of learning from other communities. So we want to hear and share your story! 

Submission Guidelines  

There are 3 ways to submit your story  

  1. Image
  • There are no restrictions on materials, use whatever best depicts your community and story (photographs, drawings, magazine clippings, etc) 
  • Include a description for how the image captures your communities journey.
  1. Written 
  • In 2-3 paragraphs write about the story of your community 
  1. Video
  • Video submission can be a series of videos/short moving shots, an interview where you are talking on camera and answering questions OR a combination approach

The following are suggestions for each option: 

  1. What does the Rural Mental Health Project mean to you and what does Animating look like in your community so far?  
  2. What stood out for you (insights or ah-ha moments) during training? 
  3. What have you learned about your community since starting as an Animator? 
  4. What success and/or challenges have you had as an Animator? 
  5. What has been the response from community members and partners to the Rural Mental Health Project so far? 

If there is another way you wish to submit, please contact to discuss. 

Story Submission

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The maximum total size of all files in a single form submission is 1 GB.

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