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Youth Mental Health Safety and Resilience

Based on an ecosystem-based approach, the Chestermere and Area Community Coalition’s project aims to promote student mental health, specifically focusing on the prevention and reduction of bullying. The Animator will work with a Survey Design professional to facilitate the design, administration, and analysis of a survey of youth in grades 4-12, school staff, coaches, faith leaders, youth workers, and others. The learnings from the survey will be shared with municipal government, parent groups, service clubs, sports leagues, and funders to inform action.


A key factor in the success of this project was gaining approval from both the Rocky View Schools and the Calgary Catholic School Division. We were fortunate to receive approval from both School Boards to conduct the Youth Survey in local schools as this is the first community-based survey of its kind to be delivered in our community. The data collected from the Youth Survey is a major asset to the community, one goal of the Youth Safer Communities Survey is that the results and recommendations will guide the actions of making our community a safer place for youth now and in the future.

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